We welcome all that our children and youth contribute to community -
their skills, personalities, dreams, and openness to wondering about God and life!

What children and youth experience at our church on Sundays:
Children (age 4+) and youth participate in worship leadership as rotating acolytes, bringing the Christ light into the worship space each Sunday by lighting candles on the Communion table.

Our children and middle school youth participate in the first 15-20 minutes of our Sunday morning worship service. After "A Time with Young People," Pastor Clare invites them to either go with adult leaders to Children's Activity or remain with their families in worship. We all join together for after-worship fellowship (simple treats) downstairs at 10:30am.
Families with very young children (if needing to move around more) are also welcome to listen to the service from the play area in the Narthex (lobby) or via the baby monitor in the Nursery downstairs.

On the second Sunday of each month (when we celebrate Holy Communion), children remain in the entire worship service. We value the spiritual growth and camaraderie they experience weekly during Children's Activity. We also want our children to know (and remember later in life) that their voices and movements were always welcome among us! Our Children's Ministry Team provides children's worship bags filled with quiet activities to support the children as they also experience the worship service with all of their senses.
We look forward to warmly welcoming you and your youngest family members!