We share our skills and energy in many ways:
- Sign up for one-time opportunities
- Serve regularly in a role (usher, choir, fellowship host...)
- A 2-year term on a committee (or 1-year on a team)
Click here for the link to our Shared Ministry Inventory
May this inventory affirm your contributions and open you to new possibilities!

If one of these areas of ministry interests you, please contact Pastor Clare to learn more ([email protected])
How we organize shared leadership of our ministries
Ministry Teams (3+ members and friends compose each team, yearly opting in or out)
Adult Faith Formation Team
Engages the spiritual and intellectual gifts of our members and friends, challenging us to go deeper together in our faith journeys and spiritual formation. Hosts Sunday morning Adult Faith Conversations.
Buildings & Grounds Team
Tracks the maintenance needs of our buildings and church lawns. Prioritizes needs, organizes hands-on work days, recommends necessary contracted expenditures to the Leadership Council.
Children & Youth Ministry Team
Provides leadership and support for Sunday morning Children’s Activity. Considers additional ways to invest in our children.
Harvest Fest Planning Team (August - November)
Plans and organizes volunteers to carry out our fall friendraising and fundraising event.
Local Outreach Team
Fosters collaborative relationships between our church and the local community. Champions our Food Sharing Ministry, hosting blood drives, and our church’s presence at community-wide events.
Social Justice Team
Leads the congregation toward social justice, collaborating with like-minded community organizations in the St. Croix Valley. Offers opportunities to engage through financial support, systems-level learning, and action/advocacy.
Tech Team
Manages sound, live stream and recording of weekly Sunday services and special worship events.
Welcome & Care Team
Welcomes and orients visitors, supports after-worship fellowship, organizes potlucks, helps small groups form to deepen relationships, reaches out to members in a spirit of care, coordinates funeral hospitality.
Worship & Sanctuary Team
Coordinates worship services that are meaningful, beautiful and inclusive. Balances tradition with innovation. Recruits volunteers to arrange Sanctuary decor throughout the year.
Youth Ministry Team
Provides leadership and support for our Youth Group on Sunday mornings and in other formats. Engages Youth in the life of the church (music, outreach, etc).
Task Forces (purposefully time-limited at their inception)
Strategic Planning Task Force
Draws on our values, vision, and mission (adopted mid-2024) to lead the congregation in developing a strategic plan of initiatives to pursue in coming years
Leadership Council (members serve up to 3 consecutive 2-year terms)
Serves the mission of the congregation. May make provisional time-sensitive decisions for the congregation until a congregational meeting is held. Approves all policies and procedures for congregation governance and management of daily operations. Oversees the assets and temporal matters of the congregation. Forms such committees, task forces, and ministry teams as will serve the mission of the congregation. Engages the congregation in developing and obtaining necessary resources for short- and long-range plans and budgets. Regularly reviews the entries in the Policy Record applying to the offices of the church, updating them when necessary. Sets the date, time and agenda for congregational meetings. Assists in resolving disputes that arise in the congregation from time to time.
Standing Committees (members serve up to 3 consecutive 2-year terms)
Finance Committee
Meets monthly with the treasurer to advise and assist them in their duties. Manages short- and long-term investments to support the congregation’s vision and mission at present and into the future. Inspires financial generosity to support the congregation's ministries.
Nominating Committee
Tracks committee and team vacancies, supporting healthy rotation. Helps members find ways to serve on a committee or team, as a regular volunteer with a task or role, and through one-time opportunities. Presents to the Leadership Council (LC) a slate of LC nominees for election at the annual meeting.
Pastoral Relations Committee
Supports good relations between the pastor and the members of the congregation by acting as an advisor to the pastor and as a communications vehicle for the pastor and members to share concerns and resolve conflicts.
Personnel Committee
In collaboration with the Leadership Council and pastor, shoulders responsibility for managing employed personnel of the church (includes recruitment, maintenance of an employee handbook, job descriptions, annual performance reviews, compensation and issues involving working conditions or conflicts).