Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

Outdoor Worship

Indoor Worship
At St. Croix United Church, we seek always to worship in ways that send us forth in service of love. Worship is at the core of our life as a faith community. We worship to give thanks and praise to God, to have the Word of God revealed to us, and to remember to Whom we belong. Our worship is inclusive, welcoming, and Christ-centered. We blend contemporary and traditional elements to empower members and friends to live fully into Christian discipleship. We welcome newcomers by offering a hospitable space to experience God’s grace.
Weekly Sunday Worship Service - 9:30am @ St. Croix United Church
Choir Rehearsal | 8:30 am
Worship | 9:30 am
(children's activity | 9:45-10:15 am)
Fellowship | 10:30 am
Faith Conversations | 11-11:45 am
Outdoor Worship Services | Mid-May through Mid-September, 2023 | Sundays, 9:30am
@ People's Park (next to Barker's Alps, 1003 5th Ave. N)
St. Croix United Church Choir
On break in the summer months
Holy Communion
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
Holy Communion is open to members and friends of all ages. We welcome you in the name of Jesus, whom we follow in the way of radically inclusive love.
Holy Baptism - Marked as Beloved and Belonging
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism, joyfully baptizing a person at any age. We baptize a child, youth or adult into the Christian faith... in the name of the Father, Mother, Creator God, whose image we bear; the Son, Jesus, who shows us the way of divine love; and the Holy Spirit, who sustains and guides us - one God, within and among us all.